Oct 06, 2021 | kpatterson | 245 views
U10 A Volunteer Team Assignments
The U10A would like to thank-you the following volunteers to help make this hockey season a success:
Head Coach: Ken Patterson
Development Coach: Ryan Jones
Goalie Coach: Michael Johnston
Head Trainer: Konstantin Kozmenko
Manager: John Paul Baragwanath
Treasurer: Chris Detzler
Covid Screener: Linda Chen
Parent Liaison: Chris Gosse
On ice help: Marc Gagliardi, Phil Kanaan, Terry Pickett, Konstantin Kozmenko, Josh Adams
Game Day Experience: Phil Kanaan
Social Media Experience: TBD
Fundraising / Sponsorship: Kristina Pickett, Amanda Kergan, Linda Li
Player Experience: Karen Baragwanath
If you have an interest in volunteering for the team - please don't hesitate to reach out to JP, Ryan or myself.
Go U10A Go!