Sat Jan 11, 2025, 2:40 PM - 3:00 PM
Location: MSC ROOM 3
All photos will be taken at the Milton Sports Centre in Room 3 (across from Rink C).
Please be in attendance, dressed and ready to go 15 minutes prior to our scheduled time as sessions often run early. Event Coordinators will be lining teams up 10-15 minutes before your session.
Please have your player dressed in full equipment ( helmets, neck guards and skates are not required unless you choose to purchase a specialty photo). Wear your Black winterhawks Jersey and socks
Each player will receive a complementary individual and team photo. If families want to order other items, they can do so at their photo session with the order form and payment to the photo receptionist made by cash(exact change), Debit, Visa/MC or Amex.
Team Promo Order Form (only available if every player of team purchases)-must be organized in advance by a team representative. Any additional purchases by individuals will be charged at Full Price-no discounts will be allocated.
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