Nov 08, 2019 | kpatterson | 385 views
How We Compete
Milton 11/08. How We Compete....
This is a great article on how teams can define compete without having to interpret score as a means to how one competes. As I noted earlier at our Parent / Player meeting in September, as Head Coach, my teaching philosophy is to have all of our players understand the fundamentals of compete. Compete means giving the absolute best that one can give at that moment.
It is not always about the result as it is about the process in which attitude can drive the preferred behaviours that teach players the level of competition needed to achieve their result. Players don't need to win every game, or every shift, they just need to understand the effort(s) that it takes to compete at the level that they choose to be in. As Coaches' we continue to develop our Players in understanding compete - encouraging them along the way. Please take a moment to read this article. Coach Ken.